Rejuvenation Skin Nectar (Multi-Pack)

  • $34.99

Rich in trace minerals, resveratrol, phytoceramides and xanthhumols, this natural serum is designed to nourish, repair and rejuvenate skin cells. It may be used alone, or mixed with Izmara moisturizers and crèmes.

Appearance: Light translucent serum.

Ingredients: Aloe vera, Argan Oil, Trace Minerals, Resveratrol, Xanthohumol (from Hops flowers), Phytoceramides (from Sweet Potatoes). Essential Oil Essences: (Vanilla, Mint, Lavender, Tuberose, Chamomile/Verbena).

Directions: Use on clean skin morning and night. Apply 1” diameter amount directly to entire face and neck with special attention to dark spots or problem areas.  Reapply to problem areas 1-2 times daily for first 2 weeks.  After that, focus on problem areas as needed. After initial benefits, use twice daily for maintenance of beautiful, happy skin.